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16 Personalities Compatibility Chart (A Complete Guide)

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16 Personalities Compatibility Chart (A Complete Guide) By PsychReelPage last updated: 05/01/2022 | Next review date: 05/01/2024close

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In this guide we will be examining the compatibility between the 16 personalities on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). We will look at the different personality types and at which ones are the most and least compatible with each other. 

16 Personalities Compatibility Chart:

There is considerable debate about whether or not opposites attract in a couple. A number of researchers have attempted to resolve this debate. Some of the most fascinating research in this area has used the MBTI system of personality. 

 This 16 personality system was developed by Katharine Briggs and her daughter Isobel Briggs-Myers. It was designed to explore whether some personality types are more compatible than others. This system typifies people into one of 16 personality types based on where they fall along the following four dimensions: extraversion-introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling and judging/perceiving. 

 The 16 Personalities system is one of the most popular ones, so it is not surprising that people often try to understand which types are compatible with each other. However, this derivation of compatibility based on personality type is not as simple as it seems. 

 Research generally shows that while opposites may attract, people are generally compatible with those who are similar to themselves. Thus, of the 16 personality types those that have type preferences in common are usually compatible with each other. 

 However, most couples seem to share only two types of preferences in common, such as ISTP and ESTJ. Studies also show that some type preferences are more important than others in determining compatibility. 

 It has been shown that differences along the extraversion/introversion dimension are most likely to cause conflicts in a relationship. The sensing/intuition scale is important in attraction. People who have similar preferences on this scale are drawn to each other because of a shared way of perceiving the world. 

 The scales of sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling and judging/perceiving determine the way individuals communicate and make decisions in their lives. Thus differences along this scale are likely to cause misunderstanding and disagreements about relationship goals. 

Sensing Judgers (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ) in the 16 personality system emphasise traditions and values and have a 79% compatibility with each other. Intuitive Feelers (ENFP, INFP, ENFJ, INFJ) have a compatibility rate of 73% based on their shared desire for healthy and open relationships. 

Although the pairing of Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiving (ESFP, INFP) types with Sensing, Thinking, Judging types (ESTJ, ISTJ) is highly common, they have a compatibility rate of 42%. NFPs tend to find STJs too conservative whereas STJs find NFPs unreliable. 

 Research shows that having a Feeling preference in common boost compatibility. Specifically, Sensing Feeling Judgers (ESFJ, ISFJ) have a 86% compatibility with Intuitive Feeling Perceivers (ENFP, INFP) and Intuitive Feeling Judgers (ENFJ, INFJ). 

 Despite this there are a few combinations of the 16 personalities that are compatible, despite having different preferences. For instance, research has shown that Sensing Thinking Perceivers (ISTP, ESTP) have only a 33% compatibility rate when coupled with other STPs. This was attributed to the fact that this personality group places very little emphasis on the quality of their relationships. 

 Additionally, Intuitive Thinking types (INTP, ENTP, INTJ, ENTJ) have only a 59% compatibility rate with other NTs. This is attributed to the tendency for this type to be critical and demanding in relationships. 

Male INFPs, INFJs and INTPs as well as female ENFJs and INFJs are more likely than other personality types to marry someone with their type. Although similarities are important in determining compatibility, there are some MBTI combinations where opposites attract. For instance, ESTJ men and INFP women as well as ESTP men and INFJ women are highly compatible. 

 Some personality types generally have a lower satisfaction rating in their relationships. For example, women who marry INTP men appear to have the lowest satisfaction rate at 31%. 

In conclusion, while research suggests that having similar preferences generally leads to better compatibility in a relationship, it is still possible to have a successful relationship when there are major differences. If a couple is willing to put effort into appreciating each other’s differences, they can turn a potential source of conflict into an asset in their relationships.

 Couples with different type preferences can learn from each other and compensate for each other’s blind spots. Additionally, certain factors such as communication, trust and mutual respect are often more important than personality type in determining relationship success.

 It is useful to look at the personality types each of the 16 personalities is compatible with.


The ESFP is most compatible with ESFJ, ESTP and ISFP. As mentioned before, similarities on the extraversion/introversion dimension are crucial determinants of compatibility. When it comes to ESFP and ISFP, although they don’t share a type preference on this dimension, they are similar on all other counts which makes them compatible with each other.


The ESTP is most compatible with ESTJ and ESTP. This can be attributed to the shared emphasis on extraversion. Although it seems counter-intuitive, INFJs are also good matches for ESTPs. Although none of their type preferences match, these two personality types are very comfortable with each other. Communication between this pair is good owing to their tertiary Thinking and Feeling functions of INFJ and ESTP respectively.


 The ESTJ is most compatible with ESTP and ESFJ. They are also compatible with ISTJ. ESTJs are logical, assertive and organised and usually desire partners who can match this. Differences on the sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling and perceiving/judging dimensions don’t impair compatibility as long as individuals don’t fall along their extremes. 


The ESFJ is most compatible with ISTP, ESTJ and ESTP. This is due to the fact that extroverts generally relate best with other extroverts. However, introverts who have the perceiving function (e.g. ISTP), can complement extroverts such as ESFJs. 


The best match for the ISTJ is INFJ because both are goal-oriented. The ISTJs systematic and logical approach to relationships and their emphasis on stability is complemented by the INFJ’s desire to empower others. Other than INFJs, ISTJs are also compatible with ISTPs and ISFJs. 


The ISTP is compatible with ISFP, INFP and ESFP. Two Perceiving types are usually compatible with each other. They share spontaneity and a love for adventure. It is usually better two have a thinking-feeling balance in a relationship which is why two ISTPs or two ISFPs in a relationship are not compatible.


ISFJs match well with people who are Sensing types and are similarly tuned into their surroundings. They place more importance on facts and direct experience and match well with people who can complement this. Pairing with extraverts might help them open up to a wider range of experiences and people.


The ISFP is most compatible with ESFP, ISFJ and ESFJ. Their shared sense of adventure and desire to avoid emotional discussions make them compatible with these types. ISFPs would find it hard to be in a relationship with Intuitive types who prefer focusing on the abstract rather than their immediate experiences. Although they are introverts, ISFPs match with extroverts due to a shared sense of adventure. They are similarly complemented by Judging types.


ENTJs match best with INTJs. They both have an Intuitive-Thinking (NT) core and make stimulating and exciting partners for each other. They enjoy deep discussions with each other and don’t get bogged down by their mutual dislike for emotions. Both personality types also share a preference for stability and trust in relationships. ENTJs are also compatible with ENTP and ENFJ.


The ENTP is most compatible with ENTJ and ENFP. However, they also match with other extroverted types, such as ENFJ. ENTPs are vivacious and enthusiastic people and are complemented well by ENTJs, ENFPs and ENFJs. However, extraverted personality types like ENTPs often benefit from having introverts as a partner.


ENFJs are compatible with those who are similar to them. They are one of the few personalities from the 16 personality system that are compatible with others with the same type. Two ENFJs bond over their shared sociability, sense of adventure and desire for harmony. However, they also match well with INFJ and ENFP. ENFJs are givers and match with ENFJs because of their shared desire for connections with other people. The introverted INFJ can help the ENFJ connect on a deeper level than they normally would.


The ENFP is most compatible with INTJ, ENTJ and INTP. ENFPs are good at coming up with inspiring and creative ideas, but often don’t execute them. Here ENTJs can be of help to ENFPs. Similarly, INTJs are good at planning and organising the ENFPs inspirational ideas. While ENFPs can teach the INTJ spontaneity, INTJs help ENFPs slow down and look before they leap. INTPs also help ENFPs calm down and provide them with some much needed clarity and pragmatism.


INTJs are most compatible with INFJ and INTP. INTJs need people who can accept their introverted side or help balance it out. That is, if communication is important to them, INTJs would probably match well with a fellow introvert. INFPs in particular would be a good match here, because both personality types like discussing their internal reflections and ideas.


INTPs are most compatible with ENTP, INFP and ENFP. Despite popular belief, differences along the extraversion/introversion and thinking/feeling dimensions are not detrimental to compatibility.


INFJs and ISTJs are good matches owing to their shared focus on action and goals. They like to plan ahead and have a logistical view of their relationships. INFJs are also compatible with INFPs and INTJs.


INFPs are most compatible with INFJ, ISFJ and ENFJ. This is because two perceiving types don’t always match well, often because they both struggle with decision making. This is why they match better with judging types.


 In this guide we examined different personality types in the 16 personality system and their compatibility. While it is possible to make any relationship work, there are definitely certain personality types that are more compatible with each other.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

FAQ on ‘16 Personalities Compatibility Chart (A Complete Guide)’:What are the 16 personality types?

The 16 personalities are types in the MBTI system of personality. Some examples include: INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP.

What is the rarest of the 16 personality types?

The rarest MBTI type is INFJ.

What are the letters in the 16 personality system?

The Myers Briggs letters E/I, N/S, T/F and P/J indicate your focus of attention, information processing, decision-making and perception of the world, respectively.

What are the 8 personality traits?

The 8 personality traits in the 16 personality system include: Extraverted Thinking, Introverted Thinking, Extraverted Feeling, Introverted Feeling, Extraverted Sensation, Introverted Sensation, Extraverted Intuition, Introverted Intuition.

What are the 4 types of personality?

The four personality types are Driver, Expressive, Amiable and Analytical. This is based on how these types differ in their level of extraversion and focus on relationships versus data.

 What is the job compatibility of the 16 personality types?

 Each of the 16 personality types is compatible with different occupations. For example, INFJs are most compatible with the following jobs: counsellor, psychologist, writer, librarian. ESFJs are most compatible with: office manager, museum curator, medical researcher.






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